“The Class meeting or Cell community is a gift which Methodism holds in treasure for the whole Church – yet she has forgotten that she has that gift” (1)
You don't need to be a member of Evesham Methodist Church to belong to a Cell Group
There are 3 elements which make a Cell different from any other Church-based small group.
- The concept that a Cell is not a meeting but a community (although of course Cells do meet).
- The format of Cell meetings – ‘the 4 W’s’ (or sometimes the 4 'C's')
- 6 Cell values – all of the values need to be maintained if a group is to be a Cell.
In Cell groups, the word ‘community’ defines our relationship with the other Cell members. Cell group members care about each other and care for each other. They grow to trust each other, they respect each other’s views and celebrate differences. They feel safe in expressing doubts and uncertainties. They do not judge each other and, perhaps most importantly of all, they listen to each other. Cell members will hopefully laugh together and may well weep together. Just like the early followers of Jesus, they will pray, worship and learn together.
Every Cell group meeting is divided into 4 sections, each conveniently beginning with the letter ‘W’. The sections are:
Welcome Worship Word Witness
(Occasionally the format morphs into 4 'C's! Connect Contemplate Consider Commit)
The time taken for each section will depend upon many factors and will vary from week to week.
Often light-hearted, always relaxed, this section can be a great ice-breaker and an ideal way for members to get to know each other. Usually a question is asked such as ‘If your house was on fire and you could rescue one object what would it be?’ or ‘who has influenced your life more than anyone else?’. Of course, participation is voluntary. As time goes on you will find that you learn new things about people you have known for years – or thought you did!
In worship we express the reverence, adoration and thanksgiving that we believe is due to God. Sunday services in Methodist Churches have a rich and precious tradition of hymn-singing, liturgy, corporate prayer and theological learning through the sermon. Cell Group worship is very different, providing an alternative and more individual expression of our faith. The worship section might include reading a bible passage, a reflection, a poem, or the words of a favourite hymn. It could focus on an object, a picture or a piece of music. In short, provided that the activity expresses reverence for, adoration of and thanksgiving to God, then anything a group member offers is a valid and valuable form of worship within the Cell.
The Cell group provides an environment in which every member can take perhaps tentative, faltering steps on their own spiritual journey. The eldest can learn from the youngest and those who have lifelong involvement in Church life can learn from those who are just starting out. Within a Cell we don’t learn through one person expounding the meaning of a particular bible passage. We learn by sharing our own experiences, our own feelings, our own thoughts, including our doubts. When the passage has been read and in the light of what has been understood we ask some simple questions: ‘what does this passage mean to me? How does it affect my life? As a result of reading this passage, what, if anything, should change in order that I might become a better follower of Jesus?’ The exciting prospect is that in a group of 10 unique individuals, there could be 10 different perspectives, each one as valuable as the next. In this way we gain knowledge and insights which are really only possible within the trusting, listening, non-judgemental environment of a Cell – we truly learn from each other.
To ‘bear witness’ is to show that something exists or is true e.g “His success bears witness to the value of hard work.” (Merriam-Webster). As Christians we ‘bear witness’ to the truth of the Gospel by the way we live our lives. It is in this section of a Cell group meeting that we discover what this means individually for each of us, what it means for us together as a Cell and all Cells together as the ‘whole-Church’. Inevitably we turn outwards to face our neighbours in the local community, the wider community and globally. In practical terms how we bear witness will depend upon the gifts, abilities and circumstances of group members. Possibilities might range from Cell involvement in whole-Church activities (Sunday morning stewarding, help with Oasis, supporting ecumenical projects etc.) to involvement with non-church related local community projects, environmental matters, or supporting global concerns such as the refugee crisis. Whatever we do in terms of serving, caring and evangelising, the important thing is that we do it together as a Cell and that it is clear that our motivation is to ‘bear witness’ to the resurrection of Christ and the truth of the Gospel.
It is probably true to say that all Church groups are value-based – but it is also true that those values are not often stated, nor do groups regularly check that their values are adhered to. Again in this respect, Cell groups are different. EMC has adopted 6 Cell Values. At least annually each group must ensure that those values are being upheld. If not all of the values are being maintained then a group must decide what it needs to do in order to continue healthy Cell life.
The Cell Values are:
Jesus at the centre
- Church is a community of openness, honesty and sacrificial love.
- Every member growing
- Every member in ministry
- Every member witnessing well
- Living Cells multiply
We currently have 3 Cell Groups who usually meet fortnightly. If you would like to explore Cell Groups further, without any commitment, please do not hesitate to contact the Minister or a Steward - or complete the Contact Us form.
(1From ‘Resurrecting the Classes’ https://www.methodist.org.uk/about-us/the-methodist-church/what-is-distinctive-about-methodism/small-groups/).