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Our Service this morning will be led by Revd Audrey Simpson.
Readings will be from:
Genesis Chapter 17 verses 1 - 7 and 15 - 16
Romans Chapter 4 verses 13 - 25
Mark Chapter 8 verses 31 - 38
This Week's THRIVE - Trusting God when we don't understand.
From Singing The Faith we will sing:
116 Sing of God's Glory
272 From Heaven you came
662 Have you heard God's voice
287 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Also, the following hymn to the tune 'Blaenwern'
God who sets us on a journey
to discover, dream and grow,
lead us as you led your people
in the desert long ago;
journey inward, journey outward,
stir the spirit, stretch the mind,
love for God and self and neighbour
marks the way that Christ defined.
Exploration brings new insights,
changes, choices we must face;
give us wisdom in deciding,
mindful always of your grace;
should we stumble, lose our bearings,
find it hard to know what’s right,
we regain our true direction
focused on the Jesus light.
End our longing for the old days,
grant the vision that we lack –
once we’ve started on this journey
there can be no turning back;
let us travel light, discarding
excess baggage from our past,
cherish only what’s essential,
choosing treasure that will last.
When we set up camp and settle
to avoid love’s risk and pain,
you disturb complacent comfort,
pull the tent pegs up again;
keep us travelling in the knowledge
you are always at our side;
give us courage for the journey,
Christ our goal and Christ our guide.
Words: Joy Dine (1937 – 2001) © Revd Mervyn Dine. Reproduced with permission; available for reproduction for the purposes of worship.